Ryan Cunningham Present

update your land acknowledgement

on the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (Sept 30)

On September 30, folks across Canada will observe the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. As a Two-Spirit activist and artist, I have been affected by the residential and colonization of our nations. As we all take steps forward in reconciliation, I wanted to share one step you can do to make a meaningful difference: Update your Land Acknowledgement.

From schools and non-profits to businesses and arts organizations, Land Acknowledgements have been a symbolic step to recognize the original caretakers of the land. However, simply acknowledging who has and continues to exist here is not enough.

Your Land Acknowledgement is a statement of your commitment to the Truth of our shared History. A painful history of generations of cultural genocide. This Acknowledgement guides us into the future and provides you an opportunity to build meaningful relationships with your local Indigenous community and take action.

Today, I challenge you to add to update your Land Acknowledgement to include:

  1. Commitments to learning and decolonizing your spaces

  2. Plans to support Indigenous communities

  3. Recognition of the Indigenous people you have consulted for your Land Acknowledgement, and who you collaborate with on an ongoing basis

  4. And recognition of other injustices your community is facing

Check out a sample here.

If you have not taken steps to learn, support Indigenous communities, consult Elders, or look at issues intersectionally, this month is a perfect time to take action. Myself and other Two-Spirit volunteers at the International Day of Pink are happy to meet with you or point you in the right direction.

Also, learn more about the national campaign here, and attend local events.


Ryan Cunningham


The International Day of Pink is run completely by volunteers.